My life story - my experience of fighting against

My life story - my experience of fighting against


Fight with Acne for All Life Beauty!

Hello everyone, this is a personal story of how I struggled against pimples for about 8 years. For those past few years, those troublesome pimples have been a major headache in my life.  Those pictures below are taken last time, and you can see how I am plagued with pimples.



Just to answer any doubts those 2 sets of picture are both pictures of me, and it is easily noticable just how a healthy skin can affect our looks and temperaments! This is not a story of plastic surgery, this is a story of skincare transformation.

My life without pimples is much different ever since, I was able to look at mirror confidently , walking on streets without fear of attention on my skin. I'm able to talk with my friends & strangers face to face, presenting myself with various dress on several events. It is as if I am given a second life !



Painful Memories and Experiences

Pimple has been a major  problem for me almost 8 or 9 years.I have tried different kind of solution with little success, and often times the problem will relapse again very soon. This issue have driven me crazy, to the point when it has even affected my career path as well.

I was once went to a Chinese radio station for an interview . The DJ is satisfied with my qualification, but  ultimately rejected me because of my skin problem. They wished that their staff could impress their audience with “handsome boys & pretty girls”, instead of listening:“Look! The pimple girl is the member of that team!” from the audience.

I felt so humiliated of the DJ reply, and this was a very humbling experience that I could never forget all my life. I thought that my pimple problem can be solved by cosmetic, and it shouldn't affect me in getting the job. To add insult into injury, my skin was already in treatment by that time (My face definitely looks fine from a far distance).

This experience has brought me an important revelation. While eyes, ears, noses can be improved with a simple makeup,but a bad skin will destroy your image easily . (In contrast, the DJ maintained a good healthy skin despite looking like a ordinary person) . I have no choice but admint skin condition is so much important!



Meet Key's R 

I have tried numerous and various treatments in beauty salons since then, all with disappointing result. Until one day, my life changed when I went a home-based beauty salon. The experienced cosmetologist cleaned my skin every two weeks to unblock pores. After the treatment,  she recommended me to use this product which I never heard of before - Key's R. I have spent over five figures to treat my pimple problem, with little result or no result even reverse result. The price of the pruducts is quite affordable, so without any hesitation, I bought it. Soon, my face 's redness begins to wane and the pimples on my face started to disappear. In the end, those pimples never came back again. I still cannot believe that such a simple skin care product can easily helps me to get rid of this 8 years acnes problem, an issue that nagged me for so many years!



Self-Discipline, Focus , Never Give up --- The Key to Defeat Pimples!

There are many anti-acne products available in the market, but the effect is always depends.  My experiences with Key’s R  and acne problem have taught me how important it is to take care of body and face by using the correct skincare (outer), and adopting a healthy lifestyle (inner). None of those products would have worked if we do not take care of our body at the same time.

There are many temptations - oily foods, night life during my fight against pimples. To maintain a healthy beautiful skin, we should focus on killing the "root" of pimple, avoiding bad lifestyle habit and using the correct product, before attempting to cure our acne scars, or else new scars will come before the old ones are faded.

No matter how difficult the situation is, and how unfair the world treat us, we should never be pessimistic, and never give up with the idea of getting rid of pimples.   I have once despaired of the problem, and many times I feel like given up in treating my pimple problem. However, Key's R and a healthy lifestyle have solved my pimple issue, and changed my life ! So my friends, never give up in your journey of defeating pimple, because it can be DEFEATED!


Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way.

If you zoom in my photo you might see some pitted scars due to my previous acne problem. But I consider those scars to be the track and the proof of my war in defeating pimples. However, I'm still feeling grateful that my face can restore to current healthy skin. Even now, I feel satisfied of my skin (despite it's not being perfect) and grateful on how this journey has changed my life, and i firmly believed that a better tomorrow has come to me.  

 Key's R is recommended for oily skin and combination skin! If you are interested on it, please send messages to keysrecipe or click whatsapp the admin!  

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Our Philosophy

At Key's R, we believe that oily and acne prone skin is treatable. Everyone deserves products that are effective and yield great results, and we strive to provide that to our clients.Daily skincare is like a beauty diary, and we are one of the keys that lead you towards the door of beauty.
